*25% =
2000,000,000 people less
*From which:
10% is people over 65
15% is handicapped people

This way, we will not only reduce the number of inhabitants that excessively consume the limited resources of our precious Earth but we will get rid of two groups of people who aren’t useful to society and who are a useless expense.

How is it going to be done?
P.U.R.G.E. will consist in a lethal injection that will cause a fast, peaceful, painless passing.
All costs will be assumed by the Governement.
Those who do not voluntarily contribute to P.U.R.G.E. will be persecuted by the army.
Those who oppose this legislation will face harsh penal consequences.
And then?
After killing useless people for our society our objective is focused on improving the life conditions around the world as the statistics show that in the most developed countries with a high income, people are more likely to have fewer children, which leads to less expenses and better living conditions, avoiding overpopulation.
​If we only kill useless people nothing would change as we would return to the 8000 million people in a few years. In 2050, we believe that underdeveloped countries will have improved their living conditions, but we expect the population at that time will be over 10000 million people. We want to kill around 2000 million people because we want to avoid this situation.

In 2050, the world’s population will not increase, it will be constant around 7000-8000 million people.

Ethics and politics
The fact of ending the life of these people is cruel for some part of the population but for the other large part of the population it will be very beneficial. It is done with the good of all humanity in mind because there is no other way.
Politicians have to be responsible for ending the lives of this group of people for a better future
"The end justifies the means"
Niccolò Machiavelli